Referring Clients

We work with social service agencies, churches, synagogues, mosques, employers, health care providers and many other types of organizations to distribute furniture to families in need. Many agencies have annual contracts with us to provide furniture to their clients, but we also accept one-time sponsorships to those that do not.

Agencies qualify and sponsor client families, complete paperwork and sometimes paying appointment/delivery fees- including either inside or curbside delivery options.

Each organization creates their own qualifications to receive assistance through the Furniture Bank.

We ask that a case manager or agency representative accompany clients to their appointment and assist them with paperwork and selecting pieces of furniture needed most by their family.

One Time Sponsors

We allow one time or non-contract referrals from smaller agencies, churches, employers, civic groups, etc who do not have an annual contract with us. If you know a family in need, you can sponsor and cover the cost of an appointment with us. Please call us for an appointment for your family in need at (614) 272-9544, ext 202.

Documents for Sponsors and Case Managers

New Caseworker Orientation

Learn how to work with the Furniture Bank with this brief, personalized orientation by a Furniture Bank staff member. Orientation is scheduled at your location or at the Furniture Bank as needed. Email us to schedule an orientation.  

Information on this page is the proprietary property of the Furniture Bank of Central Ohio. It is intended solely for the use of social service agencies and client sponsors referring clients to the Furniture Bank for service. Any reproduction or distribution of this information without the prior express written consent of the Furniture Bank is strictly prohibited.

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