Kiwanis provides Safe Sleep Kits for 100 babies
The Kiwanis Club of Columbus continues to be a community leader that helps ensure that more infants
in our community have safe spaces in which to sleep at night. Thanks to a generous grant, we are able to continue our safe sleep initiative by distributing 100 cribettes and safe sleep kits to infants and their families who reside in high poverty areas in Franklin County.
These areas correspond to high rates of infant mortality and sleep-related deaths, which have increased by 36 percent in central Ohio over the past year. As a partner agency of the national nonprofit Cribs for Kids, the Furniture Bank’s safe sleep initiative began in 2015 and has provided approximately 275 safe sleep kits to babies and their families in central Ohio.
We are grateful for the continuing generosity and ongoing commitment of the Kiwanis Club of Columbus to ensure that sleep is a time for sweet dreams for at-risk babies and their families.